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· One min read
Arpit Sharma

According to rich dad, there are few bad investments that you should cut

Bad Investments

  1. world's tour by cutting your job
  2. divorce loyal wife for young girl
  3. buy expensive car

Increase expense decrease income??

Means, u have to invest everything you have. Profit has to be reinvested so that no tax cuts.

Good Investment

  1. books and seminars those make you knowledgeable
  2. hire employee so that they does monotonous job and you get free time to do meaning full work
  3. knowledge compounds with time
  4. invest in your self as much as you can - on knowledge


Acquire Three E

  1. Education - financial knowledge
  2. investment without knowledge is gambling
  3. know how to read companies financial statement p0account - this can be turning point in your career
  4. excess cash : don't keep

Investing is not risky : Be an inside investor Never sell stock : Buy only the ones you think is your own company

· 7 min read
  1. LAW OF IRRATIONALITY: Master Your Emotional Self

    Humans think that we’re rational and in control of our lives, when in reality we’re driven by irrational emotions. We’re often guided by our emotional impulses—we seek pleasure, avoid pain and do things to soothe our ego.

    Emotions and conscious thought are located in different parts of the brain—we first feel an emotion before we interpret it consciously (and often wrongly). It’s easier to think that you’re angry with someone because he’s a jerk, than to admit that you’re insecure and jealous of him. In short, we’re emotional creatures, yet we’re often blind to our own impulses. Become aware of your own irrationality, then train yourself to learn and manage them through introspection and reflection.

    Digest these powerful ideas in minutes with our full summary & infographic!

    BECOMING MORE RATIONAL To become more rational, incorporate these 3 steps into your life:

• Recognize biases (or “low-grade irrationality”) that distort your perception and responses. These include the (i) confirmation bias (thinking you’re being logical when you’re focusing on evidence to confirm your own beliefs), (ii) conviction bias (defending your views with conviction to drown out your doubts), (iii) appearance bias (thinking you can read people when you’re misled by them), (iv) group bias (thinking your ideas are original when you’re following the herd), (v) superiority bias (thinking you’re better and more rational than others) and (vi) blame bias (avoiding your own failures and blaming others).

• Beware of inflaming factors (or “high-grade irrationality”) which call up certain feelings and intensify them. These may come from (i) childhood memories that trigger strong positive/negative feelings, (ii) sudden gains/losses that bring extreme optimism or pessimism, (iii) extreme stress which causes us to get defensive, (iv) individuals who evoke strong feelings in us/others, and (v) infectious emotions from large groups. Watch out for these factors, detach yourself and contemplate the underlying sources.

• Develop your rational self: (i) observe yourself in times of stress, (ii) examine the roots of your feelings and record your observations, (iii) wait before you respond, (iv) accept irrational people as facts of life (vs taking things personally), and (iv) consciously channel your emotional energy instead of being driven by them.

  1. LAW OF NARCISSISM: Transform Self-Love into Empathy Humans possess the natural ability to empathize and connect with others. Unfortunately, we get blinded by self-absorption. Our sense of self-worth is tied to the attention we receive and the quality of our interactions. The problem arises when we rely on others’ attention and validation to feel worthy and alive.

We are all narcissists to varying degrees. Deep narcissists lack a cohesive sense of self, so their self-worth comes entirely from others’ attention and validation. They tend to take everything personally, demand control and attention in their relationships and are expert manipulators as leaders. Most of us are functional narcissists in the middle of the spectrum. We may slip into moments of self-absorption, but have a strong-enough sense of self to pull out of it. Healthy narcissists have a strong, resilient sense of self. They direct their sensitivity outward—in the form of empathy toward people or focused creativity in their work—instead of inward.

SHIFT TOWARD HEALTHY NARCISSISM Aim to (i) recognize deep narcissism to avoid being sucked into toxic relationships, (ii) be honest about your true nature, and (iii) shift toward healthy narcissism by developing 4 empathic skills:

• Empathetic attitude: Assume you’re ignorant about people and be truly curious about their point of view. In your daily conversations, (i) set aside your judgments/biases, (ii) stop your inner dialogue and listen fully, (iii) don’t assume you have similar/shared views, and (iv) be open to new discoveries.

• Visceral empathy: Pay attention to people’s reactions, e.g. facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. Use mirroring to develop a stronger connection, e.g. mimic their tone or expression, nod and smile as you listen.

• Analytic empathy: gather info about the other person to know them (e.g. family relationships, values, emotional triggers).

• Use direct/indirect feedback to develop your empathetic skills: ask about their thoughts/feelings to verify your guesses, and observe their responses and rapport.

  1. Law of Role Playing: See though people’s masks. Become a master at reading people and presenting yourself optimally with 3 skills.

  2. Law of Compulsive Behavior: Know people’s character. When choosing who to work/associate with, learn to look beyond appearances. Learn to assess your own character (so you can address the negative patterns in your life) and becoming skilled at reading others’ character.

  3. Law of Covetousness: Become an elusive object of desire. It’s human tendency to covet what we don’t have. Learn and apply the 3 strategies for stimulating desire.

  4. Law of Shortsightedness: Elevate your perspective. Learn to step back and consider the bigger picture instead of reacting to what’s in front of you. Recognize and overcome the 4 signs of shortsightedness.

  5. Law of Defensiveness: Confirm people’s self-opinion. To influence someone, don’t try to show how good you are nor challenge them directly. Instead, use 5 strategies to soften their defenses (by validating their self-opinion and aligning your idea with it).

  6. Law of Self-sabotage: Your attitude shapes your situation. Our attitude affects how we interpret and respond to events/people, thus creating a self-fulfilling effect. Overcome 5 constricted attitudes and embrace expansive ones, to improve your circumstances.

  7. Law of Repression: Confront your dark side. We all have a dark side (e.g. the selfish, greedy, or aggressive parts of ourselves) that we hide in order to fit in and be liked/respected. Recognize the 7 common emphatic traits that hide a darker side, and use 4 steps to tap on your full range of creative energies and become an integrated human.

  8. Law of Envy: Beware the fragile ego. Humans constantly compare ourselves with one another, and deny our own envy/jealousy. Learn to decode and diffuse envy before it turns dangerous. Learn the signs of envy, the 5 envier types, the situations that often trigger active envy, and how to build your self-worth.

  9. Law of Grandiosity: Know your limits. Humans want to think highly of ourselves, to the point we tend to imagine our superiority. Learn to identify the signs of elevated grandiosity in yourself and in others, including the 6 common illusions of grandiose leaders and how you can adopt practical grandiosity.

  10. Law of Gender Rigidity: Reconnect to your masculinity/femininity. Every human has both masculine and feminine qualities genes, and hormones. Learn to recognize 6 types of gender projections and unlock your repressed qualities/energy to become more flexible, balanced and effective.

  11. Law of Aimlessness: Advance with a sense of purpose. Use 5 strategies to overcome in-the-moment impulses to develop a sense of purpose and follow your inner compass.

  12. Law of Conformity: Resist the groups’ downward pull. We like to believe that we’re independent and progressive, but we can’t help conforming with our groups. Develop group intelligence by knowing how you’re individually influenced by groups and recognize the dynamics/patterns found in any group, then use 5 strategies to develop healthy groups with an upward pull.

  13. Law of Fickleness: Make them want to follow you. We want to believe that our emotions are pure and simple, when we’re actually ambivalent toward most things, including our leaders. Learn to establish your authority with 8 strategies and cultivate your inner authority.

  14. Law of Aggression: See the hostility behind the façade. On the surface, people seem friendly and civilized. But beneath the mask, everyone has an aggressive side. Learn to recognize and manage chronic aggressors, counter passive-aggression, be aware of your own aggressive tendencies, and harness 4 positive aspects of your assertive energy.

  15. Law of Generational Myopia: Seize the historical moment. We’re strongly defined by the generation that we’re born into. Realize how history moves in cycles across 4 generations, understand how your generation’s spirit affects you, and how/where you fit in the wider generational patterns. Then, use several strategies to exploit the spirit of the times.

  16. Law of Death Denial: Contemplate common mortality. Instead of avoiding thoughts of death, leverage the paradoxical death effect–use the awareness of your mortality to make your life more productive and meaningful.

SO these were the 18 laws. Entire content has been copied from internet, as it has been written beautifully @readingraphics.

· 3 min read

Know your chakras - ( session from Intellectual Indies youtube)

1) Root chakra ( Muladhar Chakra)

Base of spine , red energy emmision

  • sceintific explanation - it is adrenaline gland
  • people who are low on energy and who doesnt feel like doing anything or getting up in the morning have less adrenaline hormones
  • excercise helps to keep it active
  • emits engery and attracts people
  • make your frnd circle full of engery to enhance this chakra

2) Sakral chakra ( Swadishtan Chakra)

Above root chakra , orange in color

  • it controls emotions when to get angry, happy etc
  • sceintific explanation - endocrine glands
  • it's like magnetism , if people get attracted to you then this is your active chakra If this chakra is:
  • open - joyful, Adventurous
  • close - alone, limited frnd circle, fixed routine, think negative of themselves way to open this:
  • make happiness a priority

3) Solar Plexus chakra ( Manipur Chakra)

Around navel in abdomen, yellow color

  • will power, successful
  • we need to increase will power to enhance this chakra
  • keep small tasks and complete them to increase will power

4) Heart Chakra ( Hridaya Chakra)

Center of chest, green color

  • thymus gland
  • close body indicates that this chakra is closed
  • when it's powerful - you see everyone with love
  • forgive everyone to enhance this chakra
  • close - cold hand , like lonliness
  • meditation is helpful for this
  • gratitude practice, write 3 reasons why you are happy
  • when you gratitude, you attract success

5) Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi Chakra)

Throat, blue color, thyroid gland, element- ether

  • excessive speaking - extra open
  • share knowledge - helps to strengthen chkra
  • write journal - say truth, write truth to enhance this
  • low volume - means this chakra is close

6) Third eye chakra ( Agya Chakra)

Forehead, Pituatiory gland, pineal gland, Ivory color

  • knowledge chakra
  • education seeker, intuition
  • observing people, deep thinker

7) Crown Chakra ( Sahastrasaar Chakra)

Top of head, violet royal blue color

  • Old kings used to wear violet color gowns as they knew it
  • Penial Gland ( antenna ) center of brain
  • englightment
  • regulate bmt harmone
  • beleive in universe
  • down - if you feel nothing is working for you
  • try to read universal interpretations to enhance it

· One min read
Arpit Sharma

The Backwards Law, coined by philosopher Alan Watts, is the belief that often you need to do the opposite of what you believe to get the result you desire. In many situations, struggling and pushing makes the situation worse, where stepping back can improve things.

Alan Watts was a British writer who took Eastern philosophy and translated it for the Western world. He once wrote, “wanting a positive experience is a negative experience; accepting a negative experience is a positive experience”. This was referred to as ‘The Backwards Law’ – the idea that the more you pursue feeling better all the time, the less satisfied you become. Pursuing something reinforces the fact that you lack it in the first place

· 2 min read
Arpit Sharma

Who is Mature?

Mature person is the one who owns to his or other actions and tries to fix it rather complain about it.

Why to be mature

Understand this with an example I ordered a room cooler with online store, the cooler wasn't working hence i asked for replacement, the pick up man came and bluntly said they only pick packed boxex. The tone was so rude that I immediately replied him that I was not informed about this before, hence he left and i shut the door.

A week passed and still i was struggling to get my cooler pickedup.

If I had shown maturity at the time of first visit I could have enjoyed writing this blog sitting in front of Havells Tuono 18 Litres Personal Air Cooler (Thermal Overload Protection, GHRACBCW180, Mint Blue)

How to be mature?

So collecting the points from all over the internet on how to be mature?

  1. Take responsibility

  2. Never complaint

  3. Don't gossip

  4. list 5 weakness of your self

  5. leave ego and fear - when you are young you always put your ego first,and as you grow you realize ego always did harm

  6. never seek attention - when you do good work - automatically you get loads of praise

  7. stop lying on small things

  8. balance emotional+ rational mind

  9. react calmly to rejection

  10. keep child within you alive do ask questions

#learnings Ok

· One min read
Arpit Sharma

Ego is the Enemy

All people are in these three stages 1) Aspire 2) Success 3) failure

Like happiness and sad is seen on face Ego is seen in behavior

Aspire:Like gov exam preprare, etc This is most tough - as its exciting and tough( it easy to do big task) Silence is rare: jyada bolne aur sochne se energy waste hoti he

PEOPLE DONT CARE about you as much as you think

You cant build a Reputation based on what you ae going to do -Henry Ford

when you are not practicing - some else is . Think less do more - via action

2) Success If you cant swallow your pride, you cant lead Its hard to stay at top

Keep your identity small Never think about your money, property , fame or position - keep doing what brought you here

Its important to be humble

3) Failure Its normal to fail ALive time - when you are learning Dead time - when you are not learning

Talent === sweeping (you need to sweep floor daily otherwise it will be dirty similarly you need to practise skills daily)


· 2 min read
Arpit Sharma

when you meet new people drop the labels that they are from different country different people different places accept that you will be able to connect everyone remember all the flowers together in Nagpur look good but their cut and separate flask their labelled. We all grew together we have no barriers but as we grow older we start noticing differences.

as a result of all this I am not able to connect Animal confirm what you think about them what kind of barriers you have about them so keep your mind open while meeting They will feel the connection immediately

Show love and surrender ego

Give your 110% while talking to anyone, they know how you are making them feel. Everybody wants to be heard, respected, followed.

Communication is made of : 5% words 37% tone and influction 50% body and face language

1) Stop assumptions - fact and figures are must required. Don't blabber anything. 2) Use easy language - simplify , avoid bookish language ( trump's speech was very easy - was able to understand by 4th class kids) 3) Right use of body language - body speaks before words a) 50-70 rule for eye contact b) don't shake legs - show's nervousness c) smile is non verbal communication d) Control your voice pitch - avoid high and too low 4) Take a pause in your conversation, so that others can understand 5) Don't use failure words - hmm, actually, obviously, you know etc


· One min read
Arpit Sharma
James Clear

Atomic Habits - by james clear

Aggregation of marginal gains gives compounding results over the years

Example: Uk cycling team did marginal improvements and won back to back medals in 2008 and 2012 breaking 100 years curse.

Goals vs system.

Follow system if you want to retain long term goals.

  • Outcome based habit- less effective

  • Identity based- more effective examples i am non smoker

  • Decide what type of person you want to be and start behaving that way and start marginal improvements there.

Habit Formation:

Cue - make them visible easily accessible Example while reading books keep them near you and use bookmarks Craving - attractive Response - Reward - make them satisfactory and visible rewards

Visually measure your progress is very effective. Habit tracking is important.

Human brain like challenges but only those which are optimal for our capacity. Example: play tennis with 10yr kid - get bored Play with serena williams- loose motivation

Hence we need to pick a lil more than our comfortable zone.

Boredom kills ambition- but expert says successful people change


Atomic Habits

Thank You

· One min read
Arpit Sharma

Timing is never right


Ask for forgiveness not permission Learn from your mistakes, dont wait for others to come and guide you on this don't give other people opportunity to say No or deny you an opportunity

Strengths are more powerful than weakness - so focus on strengths, rather than trying to fix weakness

too much money can be a problem, answer is not always money

get away from distress as soon as you can

FEAR: There are people who are unhappy but still continuing the JOB, expecting things will change

Elimnate fear:


No way you can fail if you are more powerful than everyone