Know your chakras - ( session from Intellectual Indies youtube)
1) Root chakra ( Muladhar Chakra)
Base of spine , red energy emmision
- sceintific explanation - it is adrenaline gland
- people who are low on energy and who doesnt feel like doing anything or getting up in the morning have less adrenaline hormones
- excercise helps to keep it active
- emits engery and attracts people
- make your frnd circle full of engery to enhance this chakra
2) Sakral chakra ( Swadishtan Chakra)
Above root chakra , orange in color
- it controls emotions when to get angry, happy etc
- sceintific explanation - endocrine glands
- it's like magnetism , if people get attracted to you then this is your active chakra
If this chakra is:
- open - joyful, Adventurous
- close - alone, limited frnd circle, fixed routine, think negative of themselves
way to open this:
- make happiness a priority
3) Solar Plexus chakra ( Manipur Chakra)
Around navel in abdomen, yellow color
- will power, successful
- we need to increase will power to enhance this chakra
- keep small tasks and complete them to increase will power
4) Heart Chakra ( Hridaya Chakra)
Center of chest, green color
- thymus gland
- close body indicates that this chakra is closed
- when it's powerful - you see everyone with love
- forgive everyone to enhance this chakra
- close - cold hand , like lonliness
- meditation is helpful for this
- gratitude practice, write 3 reasons why you are happy
- when you gratitude, you attract success
5) Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi Chakra)
Throat, blue color, thyroid gland, element- ether
- excessive speaking - extra open
- share knowledge - helps to strengthen chkra
- write journal - say truth, write truth to enhance this
- low volume - means this chakra is close
6) Third eye chakra ( Agya Chakra)
Forehead, Pituatiory gland, pineal gland, Ivory color
- knowledge chakra
- education seeker, intuition
- observing people, deep thinker
7) Crown Chakra ( Sahastrasaar Chakra)
Top of head, violet royal blue color
- Old kings used to wear violet color gowns as they knew it
- Penial Gland ( antenna ) center of brain
- englightment
- regulate bmt harmone
- beleive in universe
- down - if you feel nothing is working for you
- try to read universal interpretations to enhance it