Mylan coating around brain cells help you retrieve faster
Use it or lose it
You learn more per hour if you space it out
You become average of the 5 people you spend most time with
Exercise and Meditation helps
Do important things first
Keep a distraction log- remember what distract you - becoming aware of what distracts you
Reference memory:
Green tea black tea and breath- alpha memory ( concentration )
Theta memory - 2 to 5years child - extraordinary learning
Set goal regular for dopamine release which will help you learn
Goals: subgoals Deadlines: many nd short
Each deadline you miss if you
Cold showers it Increase dopamine level by 250% and 500% noradrenaline
Vary exercise and push your limits for great endorphins release
Start singletasking
A day without setting goal is a day when you are not operating your best
1) struggle phase
Find out what you are afraid of and create strong emotional attachment
1) start easy 2) reward yourself for small goals 3) start moving, get up and walk around , moving around motion create emotion 4) create deadline 5) get accountability partner 6) get mad at fear Cortisol + noradrenaline they create uneasy feeling at start
The more something threatens your identity more you will avoid doing it
2) release phase
3) flow
Do what you love Flow healthy life
4) Recovery
Embrace struggle
+Optimal learning strategy
80/20 20 percentage of action leads to 80percent result
Parkinson's law Works expands to fill the time given
Set Tight deadlines are necessary to get best out of you
Blooms taxonomy School learning system is failing
Creating - is the most efficient way to learn something followed by Evaluating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding Remember (passive Learning, bad approach)
Behavioursm Surrounding yourself with talented and knowledgeable person
Conitivismks Find connection between what you know and new learning helps strengthen neuro transmitters Develop your mindset, common people think they can't be good at maths, but its not correct Keep reading and learning makes you strong
Constructivism Passive reading and listening to video is not efficient way of learning, create something out of your learning : most impotant - start with complex problem and on the way to resolve that learn basics
+Optimal Learning Techniques
Retrieval Practice Distributed practice Reasearch has shown that when learning is distributed uniformly across week brings more learning. You need to space out your practice session across days intead of all at once in one day Practice test Reasearch shows taking practice test aftrer chapters is more effective than revising Also you can find a study partner and ask questions to each other.
Inter leaved practice Mixing several types of items while practicing . Block practicing - example in badminton if you try different types of serve instead of just doing one service at time brings better results in long term Elaborative intervention Ask why intead of what The more learning hooks you create more space will form for new learning
Self explanattion Explain to yourself with efforts. So that brai. Can remember it.explain to urself as if prac
Lifetayle Improve sleep quality
Excerise Balances neurotransmitter Increase brain volume Smoking= sitting Walking+ audiobooks great combination
Fasting Produces energy Improve memory It takes a while for body to adapylt 5:2 fasting - eat 300k cals on 2 days of fasting,
Meditation It physically change brain structure It Increase grey matter IncreAses volume of cerebral 8 weeks of daily meditation enhance brain size Stress in induced by own though- Meditation helps Placebo effect. Attention and working memory increased in 12 weeks of meditation