when you meet new people drop the labels that they are from different country different people different places accept that you will be able to connect everyone remember all the flowers together in Nagpur look good but their cut and separate flask their labelled. We all grew together we have no barriers but as we grow older we start noticing differences.
as a result of all this I am not able to connect Animal confirm what you think about them what kind of barriers you have about them so keep your mind open while meeting They will feel the connection immediately
Show love and surrender ego
Give your 110% while talking to anyone, they know how you are making them feel. Everybody wants to be heard, respected, followed.
Communication is made of : 5% words 37% tone and influction 50% body and face language
1) Stop assumptions - fact and figures are must required. Don't blabber anything. 2) Use easy language - simplify , avoid bookish language ( trump's speech was very easy - was able to understand by 4th class kids) 3) Right use of body language - body speaks before words a) 50-70 rule for eye contact b) don't shake legs - show's nervousness c) smile is non verbal communication d) Control your voice pitch - avoid high and too low 4) Take a pause in your conversation, so that others can understand 5) Don't use failure words - hmm, actually, obviously, you know etc